Why should you outsource your Payroll Services?

Payroll processing inside your business is a time-consuming process. Outsourcing payroll allows employers to concentrate on their core business and frees up the business owner, human resources or accounting personnel to work more on strategic tasks that could ultimately affect your bottom line.

We can assist with the following services:
Ø Processing of monthly payslips
Ø Customized layout of payslips with company logo
Ø Tracking of leave, sick leave, compassionate leave
Ø Email of monthly reports to Employer
Ø Email of monthly payslips to Employer
Ø Email of monthly EMP201 report to Employer
Ø If needed, monthly processing of EMP201 on eFiling
Ø Email of bi-annual EMP501 reports & IRP5/IT3’s to Employer
Ø If needed, bi-annual processing of EMP501 on Easyfile

We use Sage Pastel Payroll that is comprehensive and a SARS compliant solution

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