How to get a Tax Clearance from SARS

How to get a Tax Clearance Certificate from SARS

How to get a Tax Clearance Certificate (TCC) from SARS?

When a taxpayer is compliant and up-to-date with his/her tax affairs, a TCC can be requested from SARS

How do I know when am I Tax Compliant?

  • you are registered for all the tax products that you are liable for
  • you have declared all your tax reference numbers on eFiling
  • you do not have any outstanding tax returns
  • you do not owe any money to SARS


How do I get a Tax Clearance Certificate from SARS?

You can access the Tax Compliance Status (TCS) System by selecting the Tax Status menu on eFiling.

Firstly complete the activation

Then select My Compliance profile, to view your tax compliance status.

  1. In detail you have to ensure that the following are all marked in green (showing compliance)


Submission of Returns


Relevant Supporting Documents

Ultimately, the taxpayer have the option to remedy any non-compliance


2. With this in mind, you can complete the Tax Compliance Status Request and submit it to SARS

In the event that your request is approved by SARS, you will be issued with an overall tax compliance status, and a PIN, to be sent via SMS or to be printed

Once you have provided the PIN to a third party, the PIN will enable the relevant organisation or government department to view your current tax compliance status online, without any confidential information being accessible.

How to get a Tax Clearance Certificate from SARS


What can I apply for on my TCC?

The TCS system is available for the following applications:

  • Good Standing
  • Tender
  • Foreign Investment Allowance
  • Emigration



  1. Lydia Mxuma
    16 February 2021

    I need to apply for tcc and to know my tax status

    1. Good day Lydia,
      You will have to register on eFiling as a User, and then you can apply for your TCC.
      If you are unsure, or need assistance, then please contact me on


  2. Zarina Ghulam
    20 April 2021

    Good day I would like to apply for renewal of TAX CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE . PLEASE ASSIST.

    1. Dear Zarina,
      You have to register for eFiling first, before you can apply for a Tax Clearance.
      Please follow the steps in my post, as it shows you step-by-step how to apply.

      Thank you for reading our posts!

  3. Leonie Amojee
    9 August 2022

    I need a tax clearance certificate for my new business plz

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