Sage One Invoice Layout With New 15% VAT
If you’re looking for the fastest tutorial on how to change Sage One invoice layout for the new 15% VAT change, you’re on the right page. As with most accounting functions, Sage One (soon to be known simply as “Accounting”, part of the newly branded Sage Business Cloud) has made life much easier when compared to Sage Pastel.
Using the regular Sage Pastel installed version? Here’s how to change to 15% VAT on Pastel.
While Sage Pastel has a lengthy 16-step process to change over to the new 15% VAT on your invoices, most of the work has been done for you by the Sage One team. That is the beauty of Sage Business Cloud. If you have an active subscription, you don’t only have access to the entire accounting system, but also the industry-leading team of engineers over at Sage, who always roll out compatibility before deadlines arrive.
With Sage One, or “Accounting”, all you have to do is a quick, 2 minute login to change over to the new 15% VAT on both invoices and quotes.
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Easily Update Sage One To 15% VAT Now:
Follow these simple steps or download the free pdf guide at the bottom of this page.
- Open your Sage Company, click on “Company”
- Then click on “Company Settings”
- Now, in the left hand column, click “VAT Settings”
Note that the New Standard Rate has already been populated as 15% – Thanks Sage Business Cloud team! - All that you have to do, is to tick “New Standard Rate” as the Default, as soon as you are ready to start processing from 1 April 2018.
- Remember to SAVE your changed Settings when done.
Super easy, compared to the usual Sage Pastel, right?
If you don’t have Sage One yet, try it out and see if it will suit your needs today. Just click here.
That’s it! You are now ready to invoice at the new 15% VAT Rate.
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