How to get a Tax Clearance Certificate (TCC) from SARS? When a taxpayer is compliant and up-to-date with his/her tax affairs, a TCC can be requested from SARS How do I know when am I Tax Compliant? you are registered for all the tax products that you are liable for you have declared all your...
Tag: Income tax
Can I claim home office expenses?
Home office expenses and what I can claim? For the purpose of this article, it only relates to permanently employed salary staff, who works from home for certain amount / or all hours. Sole Proprietors have different conditions that applies to them, that we are not discussing here. SARS is very clear how to calculate...
Who needs to pay Provisional tax?
Who needs to pay Provisional tax? In the first place, Income tax is the normal tax which is paid on your taxable income. With this in mind, examples of amounts an individual may receive, and from which the taxable income is determined, include – Remuneration (income from employment), such as, salaries, wages, bonuses, overtime pay,...
2020 Individual Income Tax Rates
No adjustments have been made to personal income tax for the 2019-2020 year. Not raising personal income tax brackets means more individuals may fall into a higher bracket if they receive salary increases. The only change was to the tax-free threshold, which has been upped from R78 150 to R79 000. Treasury says this is...