Benefits Pastel Accounting Training

Benefits of Sage Accounting Training

The Student Benefits

Accounting is very much a life skills subject where training centres should not only be teaching students accounting but also giving them basic skills to provide them with the opportunity to take their place in the economy.

Within the business world, it is essential that employees have the necessary computer skills as well. It is, therefore, an important requirement that students are exposed to a computerised accounting program, wherever possible. In doing so the Authorised Training Centre (ATC) will end up giving each of your students the competitive edge when it comes to employment.

FASSET Accreditation

Sage Pastel, a Division of Sage South Africa (Pty) Ltd has been accredited by Fasset as a Delivery and Assessment Provider.

All students who attend training with a Sage Pastel ATC and pass their assessments will have their results uploaded to the Fasset database and the National Learners Records Database (NLRD) in order for them to obtain their credits for the respective course that is aligned to specific Unit Standards. (Refer to the course outline to see which courses are aligned)


A Sage Pastel certification is a globally accepted means of assessing an essential set of abilities. When employees are confident using Sage Pastel, they will deliver a significant return on investment back to their employer.

A Sage Pastel certificate is evidence that an employee is competent enough to perform the tasks assigned to him/her.


All Sage Pastel Authorised Training Centres (ATC’s) are required to use only Sage Pastel Certified Installers (PCI), and Pastel Certified Trianers (PCT) for their Sage Pastel training. All Sage Pastel trainers need to ensure that they always have the latest Sage Pastel Certified Installers (PCI) Product qualification.

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